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2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 12.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 22.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 32.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 42.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 5
  • 2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 1
  • 2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 2
  • 2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 3
  • 2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 4
  • 2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 5

2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer

Brand:CJT/ connector
Origin:Made In China
Category:Electronics & Electricity / Electronic Components / Terminal
Label:A2008(SMH200) , wire to board , Connector
Price: ¥0.01 / PCS
Min. Order:1000 PCS
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Biz MemberHong Kong S.A.R
Live Chat:Last Online:16 May, 2024

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Product Image

2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 1
Img 1
2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 2
Img 2
2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 3
Img 3
2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 4
Img 4
2.0mm pitch wire to board A2008(SMH200) Connector 355070200 SMH2.0 SMT wafer 5
Img 5

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